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Top 5 Healthy Snacks – Easy Grab and Go Snacks that the Whole Family Will Love

Healthy Snacks

The struggle is real. Parents everywhere are looking for perfect healthy snacks that can be thrown in a purse, a cooler, or a lunchbox – that they & their kids can actually EAT. Parents want healthy snacks, and kids want something tummy! For most kids, that means sweet rather than savory. So let’s discover the top 5 healthy snacks that are easy to grab and go. View our recipes here.

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Healthy snack ideas

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is always on the go, healthy snack options can sometimes fall by the wayside. Many of us pay less attention to what we snack on and more attention to how easy and convenient it is to grab something quickly. However, this doesn’t mean you must sacrifice healthy eating for convenience. In fact, tons of snack options are available that are quick and easy but also healthy and delicious. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top healthy snack ideas for people who are always on the go.

Top lunchbox snacks kids all love

Probably a poll at any school would show that the top lunch box snacks kids desire look like this:

  • Granola bars – but they often contain added sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Chips – which are high in sodium and high calorie with no nutritional power
  • Fruit snacks – are more similar to candy, loaded down with sugar.

And it’s not just kids with a sweet tooth. Americans get about 13% of their total calories from added sugars. So beverages, sweets, and snacks are the major sources.

Only 10% of our calories are recommended to come from sugar – about 13.3 teaspoons of sugar per day. The current average in the US is 42.5 teaspoons of sugar per day. It’s not just in sweets – but added to most processed foods as well. A helpful read is Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

How to enjoy a healthy lifestyle?

Anyone looking to live a healthy lifestyle – or might have a condition that needs to limit sugar, finds it hard to find an on-the-go snack that satisfies. We all want something that we can grab in a hurry and tastes good – whether you are craving sweet OR salty! We’ve compiled our top five grab-and-go healthy snacks – low (or no) sugar options for the family with minimal to no prep. It’s easier to be healthy when food is quick and easy!

Our Top 5 Healthy Snacks – Grab and Go Snacks:

1. Always – fresh fruit!

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are full of fiber and antioxidants; kids love them! Keep them washed and ready to go in the fridge. Better yet, put them in Tupperware so you can grab them and go quickly. Apples and oranges are a breeze – no prep required!

2. Healthy trail mix made at home

Ready-made trail mix is packed with sodium – and often with sugar too. Make your own mix ahead of time, and you can control the portions and add healthy options like peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Skip the chocolate and instead add a few dried cranberries.

Nuts are high in healthy fats and protein, which can help keep you feeling full longer. Some of the best nuts to snack on include almonds, cashews, and walnuts. They can be easily packed into a small container and stored in your bag or car for easy access.

3. Chocolate Sugar-Free Keto Pudding from Simply Delish

This is the perfect option for anyone looking for a sweet treat but might have allergies, are diabetic, or suffer from celiac. But it’s also perfect for anyone looking to tame a sweet tooth without the guilt.

Plus – it’s ideal for kids because it’s so delicious that they won’t know it’s sugar-free and plant-based!

The delightful rich chocolate is so decadent that you wouldn’t know it’s made with natural flavors, colors & sweeteners.

4. Beef Jerky

It used to get a bad rap, but beef jerky is packed with protein, so it’s an excellent on-the-go snack to really fill you up. Added plus, there are many good minerals like zinc, iron, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and folate, making it great for low-carb and paleo diets, too.

5. Veggies and Hummus

Vegetables are often overlooked as a snack option, but they shouldn’t be. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, making for a great low-calorie snack. Some great vegetable options include carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes. Pair them with your favorite hummus or peanut butter for some added flavor.

You can buy prepackaged hummus and baby carrots. Or, plan ahead and pack small tubs of hummus, cut up some peppers or cucumbers, and stock them in the fridge. A satiating and filling option for protein that vegans and vegetarians can enjoy.

Why staying healthy doesn't mean sacrificing convenience

With some planning and preparation, you can enjoy healthy snacks even when on the go.

You can keep your body fueled and nourished throughout the day by incorporating fruits, nuts, veggies, protein bars, and jerky into your snacking routine. So the next time you are tempted to grab an unhealthy snack, remember that plenty of tasty and healthy options are available.