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5 Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan in 2021

veganism is magic

With 2021 here, you might be considering making changes and achieving the goals you want to set. One of those goals may be changing your diet or adopting a new lifestyle. One of those changes might be including ditching all meat products and becoming vegan! If so, you would be one in 9.6 million vegans in America! The vegan community is growing and thriving, so why not change your lifestyle to a vegan lifestyle!  

vegan breakfast

Healthier Lifestyle

Choosing a vegan lifestyle can be extremely beneficial to you and your health. Were you aware that heart disease and type 2 diabetes are two common health issues amongst Americans? Plaque build-up in the arteries is dangerous for your long-term health. Meat products are rich in fat and cholesterol which are factors of plaque buildup. To reverse the effects of heart disease, adopting a plant-based lifestyle can be beneficial for those with heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

cow licking its lips

Saving Animals

One of the driving factors towards following a vegan-lifestyle is the act of saving animals and their lives. If you choose to change to a vegan lifestyle this year, you’re possibly saving the lives of nearly 200 animals per year. Allegedly, the food industry is an unsafe place for animals. There are claims that many of these animals are abused and live-in crammed, unfit spaces. These animals live a life of hardship and by choosing to live a vegan lifestyle you’re showing compassion to these animals and saving their lives.

Saving Our Planet

We take away so much from our planet Earth, why not give back and help save it. By following a vegan lifestyle, you are making a change for the better for yourself and our planet. Unfortunately, consuming meat products is not considered environmentally friendlyAccording to, the consumption of meat is considered an extremely harmful act towards our planet. You may be wondering why consuming meat is so harmful? Meat production is harmful because it causes pollution, and is the leading factor of climate change. Making the change from a non-vegan lifestyle to a vegan lifestyle is not only beneficial for you but it’s also beneficial for the world you live in. 

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Save Money

When choosing to follow a vegan lifestyle, you’re not only helping animals but you’re helping your wallet as well. Primarily, a vegan diet consists of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. These foods can help cut your food expenses in half. For example, freezing items like fruits and vegetables can prolong the shelf life of these foods, while making your bank account full. These foods can also be bought in bulk. Stores like Costco offers vegan-friendly food in bulk at a budget-friendly price. Having a pantry full of nuts, seeds and grains can make for an easy snack or lunch option. Aside from saving money on your groceries, with a healthier lifestyle, you’ll also be cutting the cost of medications and doctors’ visits.

beautiful matcha pie tarts with an ocean theme
Vegan Matcha Pudding Tarts

Enjoy Your Favorite Foods

Don’t think that choosing to follow a vegan lifestyle means you have to give up your favorite foods. You can still enjoy your go-to comfort foods, snacks, and desserts while keeping it plant-based! Without even knowing it, there are so many vegan-friendly options in your grocery stores and fast foods places. If you’re on the run, fast food places like Burger King now offer a completely vegan-friendly menu. From their French fries to their impossible burger options, you don’t have to feel completely out in the dark when on the run and looking for vegan fast-food options. Aside from savory options, you can also continue to enjoy your favorite dessert options. Simply Delish Jels and Puddings are plant-based and vegan-friendly. You can create easy, mouth-watering vegan recipes with both Simply Delish Jels and Puddings, along with other plant-based ingredients.