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8 Foods Cause 90% Of All Food Allergies

8 Foods Cause 90% Of All Food Allergies

According to the FDA, just 8 different foods are responsible for up to 90% of the allergic reactions in the United States for both children and adults. 

While most people experience only a mild reaction with Food Allergies, an allergic response can be life-threatening if the person enters anaphylactic shock.

When you’re catering for other people, especially other people’s kids, it’s vital to ensure everyone’s allergies are considered. Nobody wants to feel left out because they can’t try the most delicious-looking things on the table! 

So just how do you serve guests with food allergies and prepare food that is both safe and still tasty? View our recipes here.

Table of Contents

What Is A Food Allergy?

A food allergy is a reaction to something you’ve eaten, which causes your body to respond as though it were fighting off a poison.

Most food allergies are mild and can only be triggered by eating that particular food, but some very severe allergies will mean that the person can’t even be in the same room as someone else eating the food they are sensitive to without reacting.

There is no cure for food allergies, but a doctor or nutritionist can help determine exactly what food or part of the food you are allergic to. This can help you manage the symptoms and be prepared if you accidentally encounter them.

Most Common Food Allergies In The USA

According to News Medical Life Sciences, 32 million Americans have a food allergy. 5.6 million of those are children under 18, 40% of whom are allergic to more than one food source.

In 2004 the FDA enforced the Food Allergen Labeling And Consumer  Protection Act to help Americans avoid risky foods. Food labels must now clearly list any major food allergens.

What should I do if I think someone is having an allergic reaction?

It’s important not to panic if you think you or someone else is having an allergic reaction. First, take a breath, and try to assess the severity of the situation.

Stop eating anything you think may be causing a reaction, however mild, and move away from other people eating it.

If someone has a new reaction or it progresses beyond mild tingling in the mouth, you should always seek medical attention immediately.

What Are The 8 Most Common Food Allergies?

These 8 foods cause a whopping 90% of allergic reactions in the USA. You can avoid all of them by shopping the Simply Delish range and browsing our massive range of delicious and easy recipes.

As many as 3% of children under the age of 3, are allergic to milk. People who are allergic to cow’s milk may also be allergic to milk from other animals, including goats and sheep. Many protein powders and pudding mixes contain whey powder or other milk products to provide a creamy flavor 

Like milk, eggs and egg products appear in many places we might not expect. Eggs are the second most common allergy for children in the US. As with milk, an allergy to chicken eggs might also indicate an allergy to goose, duck and quail eggs.

Fish and Shellfish
Because our products are all vegan and cruelty-free, you won’t find any fish or shellfish in them – two of the 8 most common allergens in the United States! Many people don’t experience an allergy to fish until their adulthood. The most common culprits are tuna, salmon and halibut. Shellfish allergies specifically tend to be lifelong and reactions can be severe.

Tree nuts and Peanuts
Did you know that peanuts don’t grow on trees? They’re not nuts at all but more like underground beans. This is why you encounter so many people who are allergic to peanuts but can safely eat other ‘nuts’.  People often confuse tree nut (walnuts, almonds, cashews ) with a peanut allergy but they are not the same thing. 

If you or anyone you know follows a keto or celiac diet, you’ll know how hard it can be to avoid wheat! As wheat is the most commonly produced grain in the United States, you might want to research alternatives. If you or your child has a wheat allergy, you might want to consider a grain such as barley, rye, oat or corn instead. 

Many products, especially protein powders, contain soy because it’s a good source of protein, but did you know that compared to many other plant-based protein sources, they lack many necessary micronutrients? Our protein powders use pea and fava bean proteins to provide healthier nutrition while avoiding one of the 8 most common allergens!

Common Symptoms Of Food Allergies

Food allergy symptoms range from mild reactions such as flushed skin or tingling in the lips and mouth to potentially very serious responses like swelling of the airways and difficulty breathing.

Most people who have food allergies will know what symptoms they usually experience. If you’ve asked them about any allergies they have, they should also let you know how severe a reaction they usually get.

Knowing that some allergies can worsen or improve over time is important. 

Here is a list of other allergic reaction symptoms you can look out for, starting with the least severe and ending with the most:

  • Rashes, flushes, and hives.
  • Tingling or minor swelling in and around the mouth.
  • Tummy pain – could be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Swelling in the throat – can lead to coughing and lightheadedness.
  • Difficulty getting enough air and losing consciousness.

90% of allergic reactions of any severity are caused by the same 8 foods.

What Should I Do If Someone Is Having An Allergic Reaction?

It’s important not to panic if you think you or someone else is having an allergic reaction. First, take a breath, and try to assess the severity of the situation.

Stop eating anything you think may be causing a reaction, however mild, and move away from other people eating it.

If someone has a new reaction or it progresses beyond mild tingling in the mouth, you should always seek medical attention immediately.

How Do You Serve Guests With Allergies?

Trying to avoid certain products when shopping for yourself and getting out your magnifying glass to read every ingredient label can be a nightmare. 

When you’re preparing food for a group, it can quickly become impossible to cater to everyone simultaneously without making separate dishes.

With Simply Delish, you can avoid the 8 most common allergens in one fell swoop without compromising on variety. Why not try our delicious desserts today and experience our plant-based, non-GMO verified and tasty puddings suitable for all your guests?

We hope the above has helped in minimizing any potential food allergies that you or someone you know might have.